The highly successful Fenner Dunlop Ferroflex elevator belt has a steel reinforced carcass construction with particularly good low elongation characteristics. This makes it ideally suited to elevators with short take-up systems. Ferroflex ‘SW’ has a tension layer composed of longitudinal steel cords, through which power transmission is effected, together with two transversal layers of steel cords situated on either side of the longitudinal steel cords. These transverse steel cords reinforce the belt to provide outstanding durability and excellent bucket and fastener strength. Other significant advantages of the Fenner Dunlop Ferroflex carcass include high bolt tear resistance, excellent clamping characteristics and its suitability for use on conveyors with small pulley diameters. In addition to the Ferroflex SW standard ‘full width’ steel-reinforced carcass, there is also the Ferroflex FKS, which has custom-made ‘cable-free zones’. These zones make the installation of buckets and fasteners easier and help to create a dynamically stronger endless belt.
Fenner Dunlop Ferroflex is steel fabric reinforced belting that has been specifically developed for demanding conditions such as carrying heavy bulk materials. It is especially suited where long distances are involved because its carcass has particularly good ‘low elongation’ characteristics.
There are two Ferroflex constructions, ‘FIW’, which has a single transversal layer of steel cords on top of the longitudinal cords and ‘FSW’, which has two transversal layers of steel cords situated at both sides of the longitudinal cords
Yes, when fitted with high heat-resistant Deltahete rubber covers, the low elongation characteristics of Ferroflex FSW reinforced belt means that it ideally suited for use as an elevator belt for conveying hot materials. It can be supplied with cable-free zones to make the installation of buckets and fasteners easier and to create a dynamically stronger belt.